Is your ACU licence valid?
The ACU put together the below information on making sure your ACU licence is valid to go racing.
We are aware that riders have renewed Membership with the ACU and made a payment but may not have completed other parts of the application to validate the competition licence for 2024, or riders have renewed the membership but not selected the correct membership type to activate there ACU licence.
If your profile page says Membership Details & Payment current and ACU Competitor licence category current, then you have a valid licence for 2024.
If on your profile any of the headings say action required, then your licence application is not complete, and you need to take action to complete this before you enter an event.
Please see below information to help you complete this.
From the example above, if you click on the edit button against Motocross & Beachcross Adult MX (action Required) it will bring up a screen telling you what action you need to take to get a valid licence.
If you click on the blue text “A Valid Membership & Payment” it will take you to this screen
Although this says member details current, you have not selected the correct type of membership for a ACU Competitor licence, this one show no annual payment for a competitor licence it needs to show Competitor all disciplines or Competitor Under 12 depending on the age of the rider.
To change this and make a payment for your 2024 ACU licence, click the green current button, then you get a screen like the one below. Click the blue change membership type button
Then the next screen will be:
Click the drop-down arrow and select either competitor all disciplines if it for a rider over 12 years of age or Competitor 12 and under. Then click the blue add + checkout button to make you payment.
If you click on the blue text for action required under any headings it will take you to the section that needs action, from above, click member photograph, it will take you to this screen
Click the blue + Add personal Document, select member photo and add, you can then upload your photograph.
To action and add club membership follow the option in the blue box below to either add membership details if you already have valid club membership or paragraph two in the blue box to purchase club membership.
If your action required show blue text “A valid Medical Questionnaire, click the blue text
It will take you to this screen, click the blue +add medical documentation button
You will then get this screen, select Medical Questionnaire +Add button, then complete the medical questions and press the blue + add at the end.